Give Yourself a $50,000 a Year Raise In the Next 12 Months!

Stop waiting for the market to "get back to normal!" Learn how to adapt your selling approach to engage executive buyers in new ways even in today’s disrupted virtual world.  


What You'll Learn In This Free Course

The 5-Step Formula for Giving Yourself a Raise at Any Time

Develop your own plan to increase your income by $30,000 to $50,000 per year or more while other salespeople and business owners are still floundering in pandemic-mode.  

The 4 Variables that Determine Your Sales Results and Your Income

Learn why some salespeople and business owners make two or three times as much money as their contemporaries even in the midst of an uncertain economy. 

The 3 Major Challenges Salespeople Must Overcome Today

Discover the three areas that every sales pro will have to improve in to create and close new business opportunities in this increasingly virtual and disrupted marketplace. 

Let's start generating a steady flow of new sales opportunities into and through your sales pipeline!

In this FREE online workshop I'll teach you:

  • How to develop a rock-solid strategy to substantially grow your revenue and income no matter how much you make today.
  • How to focus on the right sales activities that produce more revenue and greater personal income in less time.
  • How to create more new sales opportunities but, just as importantly, how to close more of the opportunities you create! 
  • How to reduce headaches and heartache by sidestepping the landmines that rob you of both time and money.
  • How to improve your sales results without just just throwing more hours at the job.

Workshop includes planning tools to apply what you learn. You'll walk out with a plan to finish 2020 strong!

In over 20 years as a coach and trainer, I've worked with tens-of thousands of sales professionals and sales managers all over the world to help them take their game to the next level. I can't wait to share what I've learned with YOU! 

– Bill Stinnett

Let's explore where you can be 6 to 12 months from now!

Get instant access to this FREE workshop + free training and sales tools direct to your inbox as they are released.


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